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[email protected]

Phone Number

01 2144 84636

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What's On

What's On This Week

Exciting Events and Activities at SACA Community!

Welcome to our “What’s On” page, where you can discover the exciting events and activities happening this week at SACA Community. We believe in creating a vibrant and engaging community, and we invite you to join us in the following events:

Coffee morning for mums


Community Advice Clinic


Please note that all events and activities are subject to change. We recommend checking our website or contacting our team for the most up-to-date information.

Join us this week and be part of the vibrant SACA Community. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, social connections, or simply looking to have a good time, we have something for everyone. Mark your calendar, invite your friends, and get ready for an engaging week ahead!

For further details, including event locations and any registration requirements, please visit our website or reach out to our friendly team. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and activities!