Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

01 2144 84636

Charity number


Welcome to SACA Community!

At SACA (South Aston Community Association), we are dedicated to enhancing the overall wellbeing and quality of life for all residents of the Aston area of Birmingham. Our mission is driven by our deep commitment to creating a thriving community that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and empowers individuals and families to shape their own futures.

About Us

Our values guide everything we do

Our aims and objectives drive our efforts


  • Improve the overall wellbeing and quality of life for all residents of the Aston area, with a focus on children, young people, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
  • Promote community cohesion and integration, fostering a sense of belonging among residents of different backgrounds and cultures.
  • Support and empower vulnerable individuals and families facing social, economic, or health-related challenges, benefitting both the local community and mankind as a whole.
  • Provide accessible and inclusive services and activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of local residents.


  • Provide the necessary human resources, such as volunteers, staff, and expertise, to support the delivery of our services and activities.

  • Offer buildings, facilities, and open spaces for the use and enjoyment of the local community.

  • Deliver a wide range of services, including health and wellbeing support, assistance for vulnerable individuals and families, and cultural and recreational activities.

  • Provide advocacy, advice, and information to local residents on key issues, such as housing, employment, welfare, health, and social care.

  • Collaborate with other community groups, local businesses, and public sector organizations to promote positive social change and address community-wide challenges.

At SACA, we welcome everyone to join us on this journey of community advancement. Together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive Aston area where every individual can thrive. Explore our website, get involved, and be a part of the positive change we’re creating.

Support SACA Community

Make a Difference Today!

Welcome to our fundraising page for SACA Community. Your contribution has the power to transform lives and make a significant impact on the Aston area of Birmingham. Join us in our mission to enhance the overall wellbeing and quality of life for all residents, and together, let’s create a thriving community.

Why Donate to SACA Community?

Ways to Donate

Donate today and be part of the positive change in the Aston community. Your contribution will touch lives, empower individuals, and shape a brighter future for all. Together, we can make a real difference. Thank you for your generosity!

Note: SACA Community is a registered charitable organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Join Our Team

Exciting Vacancies at SACA Community!

At SACA Community, we believe in the power of dedicated individuals coming together to make a positive impact on our community. We are currently seeking passionate and driven individuals to join our team in the following positions:

Why Join SACA Community?

What's On This Week

Exciting Events and Activities at SACA Community!

Welcome to our “What’s On” page, where you can discover the exciting events and activities happening this week at SACA Community. We believe in creating a vibrant and engaging community, and we invite you to join us in the following events:

coffee morning for mums


Community Advice Clinic


Please note that all events and activities are subject to change. We recommend checking our website or contacting our team for the most up-to-date information.

Join us this week and be part of the vibrant SACA Community. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, social connections, or simply looking to have a good time, we have something for everyone. Mark your calendar, invite your friends, and get ready for an engaging week ahead!

For further details, including event locations and any registration requirements, please visit our website or reach out to our friendly team. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and activities!

Become A Proud Volunteer Now

Latest News

Stay Updated with SACA Community's Happenings

Welcome to our Latest News page, where you can stay informed about the latest happenings, updates, and achievements at SACA Community. We are committed to keeping you connected and engaged with our ongoing initiatives, events, and community-driven projects. Explore the highlights below:

  • SACA Community Receives Grant to Expand Youth Programs We are thrilled to announce that SACA Community has been awarded a generous grant to expand our youth programs. This funding will enable us to provide enhanced educational and recreational opportunities for young people in the Aston area. Through engaging workshops, mentorship programs, and skill-building initiatives, we aim to empower the next generation for success.

  • Community Cleanup Day a Tremendous Success Our recent Community Cleanup Day brought together enthusiastic volunteers who joined hands to make a positive impact. Together, we cleaned up local parks, streets, and communal spaces, fostering a sense of pride and environmental stewardship. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and helped make our community cleaner and greener.

  • SACA Community Launches New Health and Wellness Centre We are excited to announce the grand opening of our new Health and Wellness Centre. This state-of-the-art facility will provide comprehensive health services, including medical consultations, fitness classes, and mental health support. By promoting holistic well-being, we strive to empower individuals and families to lead healthier, happier lives.

  • Aston Arts Festival Celebrates Local Talent The recently concluded Aston Arts Festival showcased the incredible artistic talent within our community. From captivating performances to stunning visual art displays, the festival celebrated the diverse creative expressions of Aston residents. We extend our congratulations to all the talented artists who contributed to the success of this event.

  • Annual Fundraising Gala Raises Record-Breaking Amount Our Annual Fundraising Gala was an extraordinary evening of generosity and support. Thanks to the kindness and commitment of our donors, sponsors, and attendees, we raised a record-breaking amount that will directly benefit our community programs. We are immensely grateful for the continued support that allows us to make a lasting impact on the lives of Aston residents.

  • SACA Community Recognized for Outstanding Community Service We are humbled and honored to receive recognition for our outstanding community service efforts. The recent award acknowledges the dedication and commitment of our team, volunteers, and partners who work tirelessly to uplift the Aston area. This recognition fuels our passion to continue striving for positive change and serving our community with excellence.